Herb Zinser's organic chemistry --> social chemistry SCIENCE WAR reports

The modern social science wars of atoms, math equations, biochemistry molecules, television photons, English language nouns and symbolic life.

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Organic chemistry ---> university brain chemistry- symbolic machine WARS.


What is social chemistry?  
What is a  university?  
What is brain engineering using symbols, equations, and  brain molecule  information process  flowcharts?
Let's look at Nature's questions  ....... and the Nature's  messages to society ...... citizens and  INTELLECTUALS   and their perception errors.


 Let's look at Nature's transformation mapping  of the organic chemistry INFORMATION space (see diagram below)  to   human physical biology and messaging behavior REALITY  DISPLAY space on the Earth geography land surfaces ...such a REALITY  DISPLAY space / time  EVENT area   could be  a school / college  campus  with students comprised of organic  molecule and  their molecule social engineering thoughts.  

Are their molecule social science policy thoughts in   agreement with Nature's social engineering laws and limits  for molecular objects ...i.e. students?

What tragic EVENTS  are outlined by the   above organic chemistry  map?

Use  the modern university and its government  approved  molecular   social behavior INFLUENCE  models. 
The models are  bio-computer instruction...brain molecule commands that are broadcast  VIA television and radio OR printed in newspapers and textbooks.

Let's use a math function to map the above  DOMAIN (the input starting data set comprised of the above picture)    to  the RANGE ( output data set of  EXTERNAL reality of human activities and possible tragic events).

Above data source:

Co-valent  --> Cole Hall Valentine's day shooting at Northern Illinois University ...an EARTH LAB  organic molecule site with  student body brain molecule CONTENT errors ...... symbolic content with to much  social philosophy nonsense.

4H --> Four H --> audio sound equivalents --> For  H   --> Darwinian selection of the EARTH hydrocarbon organic chemistry ...... geography region of oil/petroleum ..... TEXAS  
---> hence, within that STATE of  organic chemistry knowledge  
--> the  best approximation for  symbols:

For  H = Fort Hood and the methane battles  ........ super-symmetry bio-physics ...the gas emission   WORD ERRORS  from the  speaking MOUTHS  in Washington, DC. 

C-Valent BONDS  ( Cart Jung  organic molecule collectives and their unconscious --> HYDROCARBON  GROUP MIND --> that sometimes emerges to a level of conscious expression.  The emergence to conscious expression may be okay  or be  a translation/ thought  ERROR .. resulting in  disease or nasty behavior).  .......thus the LINK to   C,H,O  and N.

C,H,O  --> Mr.CHO  and  the molecular English language problems with Virginia TECH   Departments of  symbol and word Manipulations ...such as used by advertising and marketing  OVER-KILL tricks  in the United States.  

N --> Nidal Hassan takes  biochemistry  and the English language from Virginia TECH and goes to  DARPA advanced  molecular sub-conscious  project site ...Fort Hood.     MR. Nidal  tries  molecular /optical  READ  process  at the Fort Hood Soldier READ Center   for  the human Central  Nervous System 370 symbolic processor and  gets  logic  ERRORS.
Thus Nature has sent 3 signals  to human society ..in the format of nasty messages .... from Nature's created organic chemistry signaling EVENTS that use molecular humanoids  ......  as ACTION  message  delivery vehicles.

Language in Thought and Action: Fifth Edition: S.I. Hayakawa, Alan ...

www.amazon.com › ... › Words, Language & GrammarSemantics
 Rating: 4.5 - 36 reviews - $10.88 - In stock
Language in Thought and Action: Fifth Edition [S.I. Hayakawa, Alan R. Hayakawa, ... this classic work on semantics
Now ...in year  2013 ..with the data events  of recent years...we have a new VIEW of  the  source of life/social philosophy thought

 Me (pronoun) -- Methane  Language in Social Chemistry Thought and   molecular human Actions

www.amazon.com › ... › Words, Language & GrammarSemantics
Language in Thought and Action:  ... this classic work on   BRAIN molecule ENGLISH   semantics
classic --> partition word --> Clas + sic --> Class sick

classic work --> Ocean class with the Navy and U.S.S.Cole  in DeKalb, Illinois

with Illinois GOVERNOR  BLA (Rod Blagojevich) --> State of Mind --> State of Ill/sick noise  

classic work -->  new VIRGIN Technology school in  mouth molecules

... the mouth organ of organic chemistry

->  BLA  BLA  BLACK SHEEP  ---> SHEEPSKIN from the BLA  region of 

Language in Thought and Action: Fifth Edition: S.I. Hayakawa, Alan ...

www.amazon.com › ... › Words, Language & GrammarSemantics
 Rating: 4.5 - 36 reviews - $
Language in Thought and Action: Fifth Edition [S.I. Hayakawa, Alan R. Hayakawa, ... this classic work on semantics
Thus  we see pieces to a serious puzzle ...about human molecules and expression .....  a puzzle in Nature's system that we ought study and understand.

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