Organic molecules write about themselves ...using organic molecule aggregates .... molecular collective structures labeled humanoid. They have atomic language proper nouns...such as L.G. WADE,Jr., Solomon, Jerry March ....... and their organic molecule brain expressions authored college organic chemistry textbooks and advanced organic chemistry textbooks.
Let's look at another organic molecule expression via a human construct.
In this case ...carbon black expresses its itself VIA humanoid agents USING a COTTON CLOTHING FASHION known to the theorists who study the Hierarchy Problem of carbon atom bio-physics and the secret social science Hierarchy of the American Chemistry Socitey. ..Organic Division.
carbon black (chemistry) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
1552 × 529 - ... 2.8 parts by weight of carbon black (Furnace Black 3950B from Lion ...
Three Main Properties of Carbon Black
480 × 360 - Carbon Black. CAS: 1333-86-4; Molecular formula:C Brand:
three - "particle size," "structure," and "surface chemistry
1) "surface chemistry properties of carbon black -->
423 × 600 - Roman Catholic Priest
Why Priests Wear Black
Catholic Word of the Day: CLERICAL DRESS, 09-08-12
People's Liberation Army soldier and woman, late 1950s. Powerhouse Museum collection.
Selma to Montgomery March (1965)
605 × 412 - In 1965, Martin Luther King Jr. led a protest march from Selma ...
Korzybski biochemistry SRP.
the fully functioning personality - The Institute of General Semantics
Science and Sanity Korzybski
The Signal Recognition Particle (SRP) RNA Links Conformational ...
www.molbiolcell.org/content/18/7/2728.abstractby N Bradshaw - 2007 - Cited by 22 - Related articles Jul 1, 2007 – The RNA component of the signal recognition particle (SRP) is universally required for cotranslational protein targeting. Biochemical studies ... -
Each of the activities of signal recognition particle (SRP) is ...
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2830980by V Siegel - 1988 - Cited by 187 - Related articles Jan 15, 1988 – Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco 94143-0448. Signal recognition particle (SRP), a small ...activities of signal recognition particle (SRP) is ......... to recognize carbon black social expressions
480 × 360 - Carbon Black. CAS: 1333-86-4; Molecular formula:C Brand:
Virginia Tech massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Columbine High School massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Northern Illinois University shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Carbon Atom
Atomic Mass Average: 12.011.
Melting Point: 3823 K (3550°C or 6422°F)
Boiling Point: 4098 K --> human messenger K = Kazmierczack
Newtown School Shooting: Facts From Sandy Hook Elementary --> Elementary physics war news ...
Sandy Hook Shooting: The Speculation About Adam Lanza Must ...
masks and all black clothes get into the ...
Specialty Carbon Blacks
Carbon Black Powder - Alibaba.com
Products at Plastic Auxiliary Agents -->
Adam Lanza
1920 × 1438 - 2010 Aston Martin V12 Vantage Carbon Black Edition ...
2012 Aurora shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Map of Colorado with Aurora marked. Top: Map of ..... "Police say Colorado shooting suspect James Holmes had 2 pistols, assault rifle, shotgun"
Colorado (Quantum States messages) with Aurora marked. Top
Colorado with Aurora = A + ur + ora ...... atomic language --> = Atom uranium 92 orbitals
Dark matter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_matterThe search for this particle, by a variety of means, is one of the major efforts in particle physics today. Although the existence of dark matter is generally accepted ...
Dark Matter
www.darkmatterphysics.com/Dark matter articles and theories. ... The distribution of dark matter in a cluster of galaxies. Image: Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Dark matter refers to ... -
What is Dark Matter ---> BLACK matter --> Carbon Black ...atomic social science empirical data?
Cold dark matter ---> atomic, bio-physics humanoids in the
Morgue - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MorgueMortuary: Temporary refrigerated storage for the atomic bio-physics deceased.
Colorado --> Color with Aurora, Illi nois(e)
Thus we see organic chemistry ...social science messages from Nature about carbon atom ....social engineering problems ..... that we ought try to understand.