Herb Zinser's organic chemistry --> social chemistry SCIENCE WAR reports

The modern social science wars of atoms, math equations, biochemistry molecules, television photons, English language nouns and symbolic life.

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The organic social chemistry PCR --> Polymerase (ERASE) Chain reaction of rubber automobile tires


Human and other objects are subsets embedded within the multi-facted dimensions of Nature.  
We live within the Earth's gravity field  and are interaction subsets with the gravity field. 
We live within the Earth's magnetic field and are interaction subsets with the magnetic field.

Philosophers and mathematical-physics provide concepts to help us understand this.  

Existentialism, Sartre's [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]

by CJ Onof - 2010 Oct 13, 2004 – These points of divergence are the cornerstones of Sartre's existential phenomenology, whose purpose is to understand human existence ...

M-theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In theoretical physics, M-theory is an extension of string theory in which 11 dimensions are identified. Proponents believe that the 11-dimensional theory unites ...
  • Introduction to M-theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    In non-technical terms, M-theory presents an idea about the basic substance ... Further,  string theory suggested that the universe is made up of multiple dimensions. ... This was later increased to 11 dimensions based on various interpretations ...




M-theory, the theory formerly known as Strings

In String Theory, the myriad of particle types is replaced by a single ... to be telling us that M-theory should be viewed as an 11 dimensional theory that looks
In addition , we have  GUT theory and TOE theory  to help us undertsand  human activities, events, and accidents on the geography surface of EARTH.

Grand Unified Theory - Universe Today

Apr 17, 2011 – Grand Unified Theory is a theory that seeks to accurately explain all ... It can be considered to be a step towards the ultimate theory of Physics.

The Particle Adventure | Unsolved Mysteries | Grand Unified Theory

Today, one of the major goals of particle physics is to unify the various fundamental forces in a Grand Unified Theory which could offer a more elegant ...

Theory of everything - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A theory of everything (ToE) or final theory is a putative theory of theoretical physics that fully explains and links together all known physical phenomena, and ...

Big Minds Debate Theory of Everything | Physics, Cosmology ...

Mar 8, 2011 – Will physicists ever arrive at a theory of everything that can unite the fundamental forces and describe the entire universe?
Given the above background  ...... let's think of EARTH and the geogaphy surface of EARTH  as comprised of atoms and molecules.
Here, we are interested in molecules  ...... biochemistry concepts and their application to Nature's  orgnaic chemistry processes --> social  chemistry    ...... all within  the auspices of the THEORY of Everything  ...and that includes  YOU  and  society ...... the social sciences, automobile accidents,  the need for organic chemistry automobile insurance polices, and other things.
Let;s look at  human INTERNAL biology expressions of  C = Carbon and other atoms and molcules.
In particular, we are interested in PCR.  One extended application of PCR ...a social engineering application of pCR has been described elesewhere.
We repeat part of the concept here ...to establish  a view  ...that processes that exist in biochemistry and internal medince  MAY BE used by Nature   ...and via Darwinian evolution may evolve into a similar process in a different FORMAT/ syle of expression.
We see this technique in music ..... a music evolves into  different   style of music.
The model T-Ford automobile of year 1910 ...underwent Darwinian evolution ....and in year 2013  we have different Ford automotive species  ...and parallel to that 100 year evolution  ...we have  different  human brain contents  ... symbolic  bio-computers, etc.

DNA polymerase ERASE people activity




DNA polymerase - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

DNA polymerase - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




DNA erase --> biochemistry social control systems
DNA erase 

DNA erase
DNA erase
DNA erase  --> people via crime, accidents, attacks



Real-time monitoring of DNA polymerase activity using molecular
Real-time monitoring of DNA polymerase activity using molecular
Real-time monitoring of DNA           erase activity using molecular
Real-time monitoring of DNA           erase activity using molecular 



Let's look at the above.

From the Nature's view of the living  EARTH cell MODEL   ....humans are subsets entities living on the geography surface of EARTH  ..... and they represent or symbolize other things/concepts.

Let look at an  example ..using Einstein's theory of relative sizes and relative viewing positions.  

Let's look at   the KEY data  EVENT that explains  ...DNA erase  technology. 

The above blog and others describe examples of  DNA  activity from the DNA point of view. 
If Nature's DNA system got angry ....it could influence the brain cells of some humans  ...and have those programmable bio-computer humans ERASE  another human (murder or accident resulting in death).   Those tragic events are really messages from Nature and DNA ...about social engineering system violations by a community or a city.  The individuals  involved  (the perpetrator and victims)  are just DNA expression objects.....some players in a vast   molecular ... social  biochemistry drama.
Let's  look at the organic chemistry DIMENSION of existence  ... with the view that  we exist on EARTH LAB in an organic polymer medium ...similiar to  the gravity field or magnetic field.   The organic contimuum exists every where on EARTH LAB   ...... but some space./time locations may  be empty and other  space/time locations may contain organic molecules.   For example...somewhere on the Earth's surface is a space/time location that contains  humanoid  B.F.Skinner  packaging conatiners that contain thinking organic molcules  ....... that have given themselves a name:
Let's look at Nature ...and other subset entities besifes the American Chemical Society.
Now they (the humanoids) are a Division of Organic Chemistry of NATURE.
Let's repeat that...more clearly.
1) the organic  molecule existential continuum has existed for million of years
2) with the invention of symbolic languages ..... Nature decided to formalize the situation ..
hence,  Nature's intellect and organization abilities  ...... got named
Division of Carbon & Hydrogen moecules that TRY    ...... then
Division  of  CH .................effort/try    ....... then
Division of  CHemisTRY   ..............     then  with the invention of rubber trees and other things
Division of  Organic Chemistry  of Nature  with the help of the Solar System and Earth.
Meanwhile  ......  evolution produced some molecular structures named Humanoid.
Do they TRY?
Do they TRY to study the symbols C & H  of EARTH LAB  ...in a subset university LAB.
Those that do ..... ans study hard and wiork hard  ..... pass the CH TRY  exam of Nature
then they join the organic molecule structures  B.F. SKIN packaging  ...the  humanoid 
Division of Organic Chemistry ...a subset of the American Chemical Scociety .....a subset of  Nature's chemisTRY ... molecule EFFORT society.
Now, let's consider other organic  molecules that work very ....and belong to Nature's organic continuum.
Let's take rubber polymer  tires used for 4-wheeled  automobiles   ..... that carry the weight of the automolile ....like the
4 DNA nucleotides  used by the  BIG WHEEL humanoids ..... they think they are superior to the organic continuum.
Now, humanoids have PCR technology within the humanoid section of the organic  chemistry continuum (the bio-chmesitry section).

Polymerase chain reaction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a biochemical technology in molecular biology to amplify a single or a few copies of a piece of DNA across several ...
Now,  let's  use Darwinian evolution to see how Nature could  adapt  PCR  to the larger organic continuum and it's contained  objects.

Polymerase chain reaction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a biochemical technology in molecular biology to amplify a single or a few copies of a piece of DNA across several ...

Carbon–hydrogen bond - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The carbon-hydrogen bond (C-H bond) is a bond between carbon and hydrogen ...
(C-H bond) is a bond between carbon and hydrogen 
(C-H bond) is a bond between carbon and hydrogen 
(C-H bond) is a bond between carbon and hydrogen  AND communications agent ...
. CHarles  DARWIN  
. CHarles  DARWIN theories of organic molecule  evolution  and molecule expression systems ..... 

Evolution and Adaptation

In 1859 the English naturalist Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species. The book ... This page is devoted to looking at how evolution leads to adaptation.

Adaptation - definition from Biology-Online.org

5 posts - 4 authors - Dec 2, 2012
(ecology) According to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, the organisms adapt to their environment to become better ...
According to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, the organisms adapt to their environment to become better ..
According to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, the organisms adapt to their environment to become better ...
According to Carbon Hydrogen  .... Dar(e) to WIN  theory of evolution, the organic molecules THINK and adapt to their  environment to become better ....  
Above ... we see the hydrocarbon thoughts and effort and policies  AND their  mutual respect  relationship  IRON automobiles.
In evolutionary INTELLECTUAL circles  this is  known as  the IRON car with tire .....IRON car  --> IRON carbon relationship expressed VIA  objects like  a    (biochemistry parallel)  automobile with 4- DNA wheels. 

Polymerase chain reaction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Polymerase chain reaction 



Polymer  rubber tires within the EARTH LAB continuun 

Polymeraase chain reaction 

Polymerase chain reaction 

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a biochemical technology in molecular biology to amplify a single or a few copies of a piece of DNA across several ...

Polymer  rubber tires within the EARTH LAB continuun 

Polymeraase chain reaction 

Polymerase chain reaction 

Polymerase chain reaction 

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a  technology in NATURE to amplify a message  ..... using a single or a few copies of a piece of 4-DNA tires  across several ...


Polymer erase  

Polymer erase  reaction 

Polymer erase  chain reaction  of  automobile  organic polymer tires influence in the organic continuum which has organic humanoid  automotive drivers sensitive to the  subtle organic communication continuum and its PCR message needs.




140-car pileup in Texas fog kills two, injures dozens - U.S. News

Nov 22, 2012 – The chain-reaction collision occurred in extremely foggy conditions at ... of the highway led to other accidents in a dangerous chain reaction.

in other words .............. 

140-car pileup in Texas fog kills two, injures doze - U.S. News

Nov 22, 2012 – The chain-reaction collision occurred in extremely foggy conditions at ... of the highway led to other accidents
 in a dangerous  .......  polymer (tire) chain reaction --> PCR event in the EARTH LAB continuum.
  • Heavy Fog Causes Massive Car Pileup in Somerset, England

    Heavy Fog Causes Massive Car Pileup in Somerset, England ... Reports from the BBC state that a van skidded and struck the center barrier triggering a chain reaction accident Friday evening local time. Heavy fog was ... More Weather News ...
  • Fog causes chain-reaction crash on 22 Freeway in Southern ...

    Nov 24, 2012 – Fog causes chain-reaction crash on 22 Freeway in Southern California; ... Saturday morning, the National Weather Service said Friday night.

15 Killed and Over 50 Hurt in Fog As 75 Vehicles Crash in Tennessee

www.nytimes.com › COLLECTIONSFOG
Dec 12, 1990 – Two chain-reaction collisions in dense fog on a highway in ... People involved in the accident, which extended over more than a mile of the ...
Dec 12, 1990 – Two chain-reaction collisions in dense fog on a highway in 
Dec 12, 1990 – Two chain-reaction collisions in dense fog on a highway in 
D  ...................   Two   .....  chain-reaction collisions.................. translated signal
DNA  ..... double-helix  ..... PCR --> Polymer chain reaction  



Thus we see a new BASE PAIR  in Nature's existential dimensions   ...... the INTERNAL  organic  base and the EXTERNAL  organic base.  


Thus the 11-dimenions of string theory .....  from Nature's  view  ..might be different levels or different formats of expression ..

thus the existence of PCR  would be valid  .... the  known biochemistry PCR   and  adaption  to another dimension /format of  existence on the geography surface of EARTH  .... EARTH LAB   ..with the human experimental specimen described by Lewis CAR --> Carbon Carroll  and his lab research messages ...

11. Who Stole the Tarts?

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll

The twelve jurors were all writing very busily on slates. 'What are they doing?' Alice whispered to the Gryphon. 'They can't have anything to put down yet, before the trial's begun.'




Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. (As that is rather a hard word, I will just explain to you how it was done. They had a large canvas bag, which tied up at the mouth with strings: into this they slipped the guinea-pig, head first, and then sat upon it.)

'I'm glad I've seen that done,' thought Alice. 'I've so often read in the newspapers, at the end of trials, "There was some attempts at applause, which was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court," and I never understood what it meant till now.'


the guinea-pigs cheered,  

the guinea-pigs cheered,

Professional Societies and Associations: Chemistry

The Network Science list of chemistry oriented federations whose members contribute to pharmaceutical research and development and healthcare throughout ...

Open Directory - Science: Chemistry: Organizations: Associations

www.dmoz.org › ScienceChemistryOrganizations
20+ items – See also: Business: Chemicals: Associations (34); Science: ...
American Chemical Society - Primary professional organization for chemists ...
Analytical and Life Science Systems Association - Primary association for ...

the guinea-pigs cheered,


Thus we see  data and a view that may be useful to theoretical physics and TOE  -> Theory of Everything.

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