Herb Zinser's organic chemistry --> social chemistry SCIENCE WAR reports

The modern social science wars of atoms, math equations, biochemistry molecules, television photons, English language nouns and symbolic life.

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List of the organic continuum BLOG posts

Select from the list  by clicking on the title.


Michael Brown and carbon 12 isotopes WAR




Chicago HUMAN organic molecules



Solomon's organic WAR signals


Fort Hood - Social Chemistry


Wittag car - automobile reactions


Organic chemistry --> social chemistry



The organic chemistry meta-attack in UTOEYA, Norway

  • herb01.ucoz.com/index/the_organic_chemistry_meta_attack.../0-97
    The 2011 Norway attacks were two sequential lone wolf terrorist attacks against the government, the civilian population and a Workers' Youth League (AUF)-run ...
  • Nature's Organic Chemistry HUMAN accounting systems

    Humans are organic chemistry structures living within the fabric of NATURE on the surface of earth. Many human expressions ...can be considered from the view ...
  • Herb Zinser's Science Wars - The hydrocarbon molecular ...

    Mar 5, 2013 - The organic chemistry hydrocarbon molecular WAR for control of the social chemistry institutions in the world ..... recently accomplished the ...
    • Herb Zinser's Science Wars - Kennedy assassination

      The organic chemistry hydrocarbon molecular WAR for control of the social chemistry institutions in the world ..... accomplished by the 1963 assassination of ...
    • Herb Zinser's Science Wars - Maryland --> Geography ...

      Organic Chemistry WARS · Organic battlefield . ..... Shell Rd --> human atomic brain electron shell RD...see a basic college textbook in chemistry for shell models.

 .     Z-paper-932 --> Pentagon HONO code WAR

 .     The organic molecule continuum ORDERED murder of Nicole Brown Simpson

 .     Z-paper-709---> the SCIENCE SYMBOLS wars

.         Z-paper-707 --> Persian Gulf organic chemistry continuum WAR

 .        The molecule electron battle at Fort Hood

.       The Aldo additions to English literature and Italian political intrigue 

·        Waco death code --> L.G.Wade VERSUS Janet Reno social chemistry legal ERRORS

·        The Linus Pauling social chemistry messages

·        The carbon atom SYMBOL MACHINE interaction language with gravity and its social messages

·        The carbon 12 atomic banking system with 12 Federal Reserve Districts.

·        The atomic number 6 carbon atom political science WAR --> the Israel 6 Day WAR

·        The carbon 12 --> Twelve Tribes of Israel and the electron shell WAR in the Middle EAST.

·        The L. G. Wade and T.W. Graham Solomons molecular SYMBOL MACHINE organic chemistry SIGNALS and molecular expression PICTURES.

·        Harvard hydrocarbon brain experiments help explain atomic symbol engines and atomic numeric gear shifters

·        HC --> the Harvard College hydrocarbon molecular thought continuum social experiment

·        Hebrew union College --> social and theological research in hydrocarbon molecule thought structures

·        The E2 nightclub carbon black pile in the Chicago atomic organic continuum address space.

·        Carbon black, Nature's ancient computer systems, and the carbon black computer address space

·        Nature's organic chemistry continuum and the carbon black religious DOUBLE-BLIND experiment.

·        BP, British Petroleum and Base Pairs, Jerry March, and the EARTH molecular thought systems WAR.

·        The hydrocarbon continuum and its molecule English language help explain social chemistry

·        Cavendish Letter to Jerry March in year 1953 – Unanswered .... year 2013 communications status report

·        Nature and the hydrocarbon THEATER of War VERSUS United States intelletual BASE PAIR ERRORS

·        Brain organic chemistry ---> molecule government messages ---> Dept of INTERIOR of Brain Spectroscopy

·        The atomic English alphabet helps us understand the hydrocarbon continuum WAR

·        Aldo Moro - ITALY organic chemistry WAR casualty

·        Jeff Wood - Wisconsin Science RD for Madison theoretical chemistry evolution

·        Frontier Orbitals in the molecular Wild WEST shootouts of Social Chemistry

·        Runway 26 Alkynes Elimination

·        The ortho ATTACK at Fort Hood

·        The Richard Spectroscopy 1966 Chicago Murders in UV = Ultra-Violent Spectroscopy

·        The hydrocarbon C-H BOND social chemistry war

·        Virginia TECH and the organic chemistry molecule ENGLISH language war

·        The Madison organic communication continuum experiment equation: HUMAN shell(y) CH with Solomon's textbook.


Organic chemistry ---> university brain chemistry- symbolic machine WARS.


Charles Darwin, Selma, and the organic molecule evolutionary MARCH


Earth's organic molecular continuum assassination of HC = Hydro-Carbon molecule agent HC = Hugo Chavez


The organic molecule continuum Base Pair WAR



The organic social chemistry PCR --> Polymerase (ERASE) Chain reaction of rubber automobile tires


The FDR 1932 New Deal Coalition violations of the gravity/ organic molecule treaty trigger the year 2012 Newtown, Connecticut tragedy.


Goethe explains Nature's gravity organic molecule interface LEVEL of existence to President Jimmy Carbon Carter, Isaac Newton Gingrich, and Georgia TECH


The Galileo astrophysics hydrocarbon signal within " Two CHIEF World Systems".


Organic molecule evolution TEST site - Checkpoint Charlie 1963 - Europe


The carbon atom WAR at Sandy Hook elementary organic chemistry school


Darwinian chemistry molecule selection of James Earl Ray to assassinate carbon black agent KING



Organic molecule BATLE of June 6, 1944 in Europe


Organic chemistry, Jerry Lewis, the March of Dimes --> The March of Dimensions of String theory


Diethyl ether ---> Virginia TECH advanced English class secrets of DEATH words.


Carbon atomic computer addressibility of carbon electron space


The Computer Earth system 370 carbon black molecular computer address space WAR


Nature VS the Supreme Court ---> the organic chemistry molecule Supreme Court Justice L.G. Wade,JR ............... Roe Vs. Wade decision results in OC = Organic Chemistry Wade Page battle at OC = Oak Creek, Wisconsin


The carbon black--> organic social chemistry SCHOOL shootings



The D-galactose Spanish organic chemistry artist Salvador Dali


The organic chemistry monosaccharies WAR casualties of Virginia TECH


The University of Wisconsin organic chemistry textbook WAR ZONE



Deactivating Meta-Directing battle casualties



Organic molecule META-attack helps connect the reasons of the Sandy Hook tragedy in Connecticut.


Princess Diana death with Para-directing paparazzi in PARIS


The Herb Zinser Science reports



List of Posts



List of the organic continuum BLOG posts

Select from the list  by clicking on the title.


Chicago HUMAN organic molecules



Solomon's organic WAR signals


Fort Hood - Social Chemistry


Wittag car - automobile reactions


Organic chemistry --> social chemistry



The organic chemistry meta-attack in UTOEYA, Norway

  • herb01.ucoz.com/index/the_organic_chemistry_meta_attack.../0-97
    The 2011 Norway attacks were two sequential lone wolf terrorist attacks against the government, the civilian population and a Workers' Youth League (AUF)-run ...
  • Nature's Organic Chemistry HUMAN accounting systems

    Humans are organic chemistry structures living within the fabric of NATURE on the surface of earth. Many human expressions ...can be considered from the view ...
  • Herb Zinser's Science Wars - The hydrocarbon molecular ...

    Mar 5, 2013 - The organic chemistry hydrocarbon molecular WAR for control of the social chemistry institutions in the world ..... recently accomplished the ...
    • Herb Zinser's Science Wars - Kennedy assassination

      The organic chemistry hydrocarbon molecular WAR for control of the social chemistry institutions in the world ..... accomplished by the 1963 assassination of ...
    • Herb Zinser's Science Wars - Maryland --> Geography ...

      Organic Chemistry WARS · Organic battlefield . ..... Shell Rd --> human atomic brain electron shell RD...see a basic college textbook in chemistry for shell models.

 .     Z-paper-932 --> Pentagon HONO code WAR

 .     The organic molecule continuum ORDERED murder of Nicole Brown Simpson

 .     Z-paper-709---> the SCIENCE SYMBOLS wars

.         Z-paper-707 --> Persian Gulf organic chemistry continuum WAR

 .        The molecule electron battle at Fort Hood

.       The Aldo additions to English literature and Italian political intrigue 

·        Waco death code --> L.G.Wade VERSUS Janet Reno social chemistry legal ERRORS

·        The Linus Pauling social chemistry messages

·        The carbon atom SYMBOL MACHINE interaction language with gravity and its social messages

·        The carbon 12 atomic banking system with 12 Federal Reserve Districts.

·        The atomic number 6 carbon atom political science WAR --> the Israel 6 Day WAR

·        The carbon 12 --> Twelve Tribes of Israel and the electron shell WAR in the Middle EAST.

·        The L. G. Wade and T.W. Graham Solomons molecular SYMBOL MACHINE organic chemistry SIGNALS and molecular expression PICTURES.

·        Harvard hydrocarbon brain experiments help explain atomic symbol engines and atomic numeric gear shifters

·        HC --> the Harvard College hydrocarbon molecular thought continuum social experiment

·        Hebrew union College --> social and theological research in hydrocarbon molecule thought structures

·        The E2 nightclub carbon black pile in the Chicago atomic organic continuum address space.

·        Carbon black, Nature's ancient computer systems, and the carbon black computer address space

·        Nature's organic chemistry continuum and the carbon black religious DOUBLE-BLIND experiment.

·        BP, British Petroleum and Base Pairs, Jerry March, and the EARTH molecular thought systems WAR.

·        The hydrocarbon continuum and its molecule English language help explain social chemistry

·        Cavendish Letter to Jerry March in year 1953 – Unanswered .... year 2013 communications status report

·        Nature and the hydrocarbon THEATER of War VERSUS United States intelletual BASE PAIR ERRORS

·        Brain organic chemistry ---> molecule government messages ---> Dept of INTERIOR of Brain Spectroscopy

·        The atomic English alphabet helps us understand the hydrocarbon continuum WAR

·        Aldo Moro - ITALY organic chemistry WAR casualty

·        Jeff Wood - Wisconsin Science RD for Madison theoretical chemistry evolution

·        Frontier Orbitals in the molecular Wild WEST shootouts of Social Chemistry

·        Runway 26 Alkynes Elimination

·        The ortho ATTACK at Fort Hood

·        The Richard Spectroscopy 1966 Chicago Murders in UV = Ultra-Violent Spectroscopy

·        The hydrocarbon C-H BOND social chemistry war

·        Virginia TECH and the organic chemistry molecule ENGLISH language war

·        The Madison organic communication continuum experiment equation: HUMAN shell(y) CH with Solomon's textbook.


Organic chemistry ---> university brain chemistry- symbolic machine WARS.


Charles Darwin, Selma, and the organic molecule evolutionary MARCH


Earth's organic molecular continuum assassination of HC = Hydro-Carbon molecule agent HC = Hugo Chavez


The organic molecule continuum Base Pair WAR



The organic social chemistry PCR --> Polymerase (ERASE) Chain reaction of rubber automobile tires


The FDR 1932 New Deal Coalition violations of the gravity/ organic molecule treaty trigger the year 2012 Newtown, Connecticut tragedy.


Goethe explains Nature's gravity organic molecule interface LEVEL of existence to President Jimmy Carbon Carter, Isaac Newton Gingrich, and Georgia TECH


The Galileo astrophysics hydrocarbon signal within " Two CHIEF World Systems".


Organic molecule evolution TEST site - Checkpoint Charlie 1963 - Europe


The carbon atom WAR at Sandy Hook elementary organic chemistry school


Darwinian chemistry molecule selection of James Earl Ray to assassinate carbon black agent KING



Organic molecule BATLE of June 6, 1944 in Europe


Organic chemistry, Jerry Lewis, the March of Dimes --> The March of Dimensions of String theory


Diethyl ether ---> Virginia TECH advanced English class secrets of DEATH words.


Carbon atomic computer addressibility of carbon electron space


The Computer Earth system 370 carbon black molecular computer address space WAR


Nature VS the Supreme Court ---> the organic chemistry molecule Supreme Court Justice L.G. Wade,JR ............... Roe Vs. Wade decision results in OC = Organic Chemistry Wade Page battle at OC = Oak Creek, Wisconsin


The carbon black--> organic social chemistry SCHOOL shootings



The D-galactose Spanish organic chemistry artist Salvador Dali


The organic chemistry monosaccharies WAR casualties of Virginia TECH


The University of Wisconsin organic chemistry textbook WAR ZONE



Deactivating Meta-Directing battle casualties



Organic molecule META-attack helps connect the reasons of the Sandy Hook tragedy in Connecticut.


Princess Diana death with Para-directing paparazzi in PARIS


The Herb Zinser Science reports