Herb Zinser's organic chemistry --> social chemistry SCIENCE WAR reports

The modern social science wars of atoms, math equations, biochemistry molecules, television photons, English language nouns and symbolic life.

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Nature and the hydrocarbon THEATER of War VERSUS United States intelletual BASE PAIR ERRORS

From the Z-paper series by Herb Zinser.


Understanding the living EARTH cell and the messages of  some signaling EVENTS that may occur.
Let's look at the major concept involved.


The EARTH  BP wars ............

Base pair --> BP --> Nature's representives = British Petroleum 


Base pairs are the building blocks of the DNA double helix, and contribute to ... of this based-paired structure provides a backup copy of all genetic information ...


Base pair - definition from Biology-Online.org

Jan 30, 2013 - 5 posts - 3 authors

1) Look at the 660g / bp  (it means g/mol of base pair); it is highlighted in pink - I do not understand

where this 660   is ...

Deepwater Horizon | Smithsonian Ocean Portal

Two years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, brown pelicans roost on a ... The robotic glider, also known as RU27,
can dive to depths of 200 meters     (     660      )

Gulf of Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The basin contains a volume of roughly 660 quadrillion gallons (2.5 × 106 ... 6.1 Ixtoc I explosion and oil spill; 6.2 Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill.

Fifth Circuit reverses District Court in Deepwater Horizon insurance ...

Mar 26, 2013 – ... United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, in In re Deepwater Horizon, No. ...
ATOFINA Petrochemicals, Inc., 256 S.W.3d  660 (Tex.

Fifth Circuit reverses District Court in

Deepwater Horizon insurance

coverage litigation and

grants BP (Base Pair genome project LIES/schemes)

unlimited access to Transocean’s $750 million

in insurance as 'additional insured'



Human genetics: Dr Watson's base pairs : Article : Nature

www.nature.com › Journal homeArchiveNews and Views
by MV Olson - 2008 - Cited by 15 - Related articles
Apr 16, 2008 – At the information-carrying core of this beautiful structure, with its far-reaching implications for biology and medicine, are the base pairs that .


Thus  super-symmetry LANDAU geo-physics  gives us  the  living EARTH  cell  with the geology  iron core  with  its 26 protons atomic English alphabet  THAT LINKS to the Earth geography land  surface iron objects (iron automobiles  and  iron farm tractors  with iron Heme group bio-physics humanoid subroutine drivers)   ..that LINKS via the  North Pole magnetic  field with Einstein's data processing DATA FIELDS ...  a project of Nature that was was announced  by the 37th President  and the Computer Earth system 370 project.... the  N =  Nixon magnetic field tapes of direction N = North (pole).


Genetics 101 - Webs

The base pairs form the rungs of the genetic ladder. The ribose sugar and phosphate groups are exactly the same in each nucleotide, so they do not carry any ...

Genetics 101 - Webs

The bp --> base pairs form the rungs of the genetic ladder. The ribose sugar and phosphate groups are exactly the same in each nucleotide, so they do not carry any ...


The bp --> base pairs form the rungs of the genetic ladder.

The bp --> base pairs form the rungs of the genetic ladder.

The bp --> British  Petroleum   .....  base pairs form the rungs of  EARTH systems    genetic ladder.


United  States universities and British  government   ought upgrade their brain cells with more ideas.
The   incomplete explanation of the BP affairs is an insult to the level of knowledge available in basic college science textbooks.

The Hollywood style  of writing is used  by  newspapers reporters  ..... leaving a VOID in the  more TRUE NATURE of the event ...the deeper levels underlying the tragic  situation.


















 Thus you see pieces to  a puzzle ..... the BP  =Big Picture   battlefield   as predicted by Grand Unified Theory  and the Theory of Everything.

The Department of Energy  and Washington, DC  have provided a biased, incomplete explanation of the  situation  ...... they have given us the LAZY BRAIN explanation.     Nature's  SYMBOL MACHINE comprised of nouns, verbs, math and physics equations,  chemistry  formula,  genetics diagrams, etc ...... has  helped provide clues and pointers to the BIG   PICTURE  via  Nature's  agent BP = British Petroleum  ..... and their ROLE in the modern organic chemistry theater of WAR.


Key word... petroleum.


Thus the hydrocarbon molecule role in modern Shakespearan theater.


Shakespeare - All the world's a stage - Art of Europe

William Shakespeare - All the world's a stage (from As You Like It 2/7).
All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits ..
All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players:
All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players:
All the world's a  hydrocarbon molecule expression  stage,
And all the men and women merely players -->  P layers ...processing layers:


Washington, DC and their  Hollywood story tellers ought   upgrade their brain cells  with more modern concepts.
 They  ought try diplomatic communications theory with those  look at empirical data events  ..... parts of the THEORY of EVERYTHING.


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